Under auspicies of Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology
In cooperation with SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra (SIAG/LA)
Sponsored by
County of Split and Dalmatia
City of Split
Hrvatski Telekom - TKC Split
Dalmacijacement - RMC Group
Student Center of the University of Split
Croatian Academic and research
network - CARNet
Announcement for the Special Issue
of Linear Algebra and its Applications
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together experts on accuracy issues in the numerical solution of eigenvalue problems for four days of research presentations and discussions. This is the fourth such workshop. The first, titled "International Workshop on Accurate Eigensolving and Applications", was held at the University of Split on July 11-17, 1996, the second, "International Workshop on Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems", was held at the Pennsylvania State University on July 20-23, 1998, and the "III International Workshop on Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems", was held at the Fernuniversität Hagen on July 3-6, 2000. The reports on these workshops written by Beresford Parlett were published in SIAM News (February 2001, March 1999, October 1996).
The workshop will have similar format as its predecessors: there will be no parallel sessions; research presentations will be 30 to 40 minutes each, with sufficient time for discussions. Specially titled discussion/working groups and a poster session will also be organized. The posters will be permanently exhibited in the Conference Room.
Main Speakers:
Linear Algebra and Its
Applications has published a special issue (LAA Vol. 309, April
2000) connected with the II Workshop at Penn State, and will also
publish a special issue connected with the III Workshop in Hagen.
A special issue in connection with IWASEP 4 is planned, as well.
Split is a picturesque city with population around 200,000 which in this decade celebrates 1700 years of urban settlement. It is located on the Croatian Adriatic coast, the beauty of which is proverbial with its hundreds of islands and still quite unpolluted nature. The workshop will be held in Hotel Marjan which is located in the City Port near the world famous Diocletian's Palace (see some links 1, 2, 3).
For information about travel and visas see the info page.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Split!
For further information contact any of the organizers by e-mail or write to
Jesse L. Barlow
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
312 Pond Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802-6106 USA
Phone:+1-814-863-1705, FAX: +1-814-865-3176
Ivan Slapnicar
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval
University of Split
R. Boskovica bb
HR-21000 Split, Croatia
Phone: +385 21 305619, FAX: + 385 21 463877
Kresimir Veselic
LG Mathematische Physik
Fernuniversitaet Hagen
P.O. Box 940
D-58084 Hagen, Germany
Phone: +49 2331 9872721