NetPlot User's Guide

About NetPlot

This is a short User's Guide for NetPlot. NetPlot is a web interface to Gnuplot written JavaScript and PHP. For detailed information on particular commands please consult the Gnuplot on-line documentation.

The authors of NetPlot are Ivan Slapnicar and Damir Krstinic.


In the navigation bar you can choose one of the five types of functions: Choosing the type of the function opens the respective input form.

Input Form

In the first row you enter the ranges of the variables. The ranges are given from-to, for example: x : .

In the second row the function is entered. It is possible to enter more functions separated by commas (see Examples below).

For 2D plots (functions of one variable, parametric functions of one variable and functions in polar coordinates) in the third row you can choose default axes, square axes or equal axes, and choose whether to display rectangular grid or not. You can also zoom in or out.

For 3D plots (functions of two variables and parametric functions of two variables) in the third row you can choose whether or not to show hidden surfaces, the number of mesh lines (10, 20, 30 or 40) and whether to dispay contour plot and rectangular grid in the x-y plane. By clicking the red arrows you can rotate the plot.

Constants, Operators and Functions

Two predifined constants are pi=3.14159265358979 and e=2.71828182845905.

Operators +,-,* and / have the standard meaning. Power operation, a "to" b, is described by a^b or by a**b (the latter is the Gnuplot default). a! stands for 'a factoriels'.

Brief description of some functions is given in the following table:
Function Argument Description
abs(x) complex absolute value of x, |x|
acos(x) real inverse cosine (cos-1x) in radians
asin(x) real inverse sine (sin-1x) in radians
atan(x) real inverse tangent (tan-1x) in radians
besj0(x) radians J0 Bessel function of x
besj1(x) radians J1 Bessel function of x
besy0(x) radians Y0 Bessel function of x
besy1(x) radians Y1 Bessel function of x
ceil(x) real least whole number larger than x
cos(x) radians cosine of x
cosh(x) radians hyperbolic cosine of x
erf(x) complex error function
erfc(x) complex 1-erf(x)
exp(x) real ex, exponential function of x
floor(x) real largest whole number less than x
gamma(x) complex gamma function of real(x)
ibeta(p,q,x) complex incomplete beta function of real(p,q,x)
igamma(a,x) complex incomplete gamma function of real(a,x)
imag(x) complex imaginary part of x
int(x) real integer part of x truncated towards 0
inverf(x) complex inverse error function of real(x)
invnorm(x) complex inverse normal distribution of the real part of x
lgamma complex natural log of the gamma function of real(x)
log(x) real logex, natural logarithm (base e) of x
log10(x) real log10x, logarithm (base 10) of x
norm(x) complex normal (Gauss) distribution of real(x)
rand(x) complex pseudo-random number generator with seed=real(x)
real(x) complex real part of x
sgn(x) real 1 if x>0, -1 if x<0, 0 if x=0
sin(x) radians sine of x
sinh(x) real hyperbolic sine of x
sqrt(x) real square root of x
tan(x) radians tangent of x
tanh(x) real hyperbolic tangent of x
